I have loved gardens for a very, very long time. When I was six my bestest friend in the whole wide world was a palm tree named George. Whilst George and I are no longer in contact, he often helps me remember that sometimes our natural surroundings can prove even more valuable and comforting companions than our fellow human beings. Perhaps it is not wise of me to disclose the fact that my closest friend was once a tree, but I wanted to let our readers know how much I love things green and organic.

However, despite my love of nature, I have never found myself in a position where I can start to grow my own garden...until now (hooray!!!). My aim in writing this blog is to share what I am learning about my own gardening experiences, and learn from those who are willing to share with me (please don't be shy about leaving comments and advice!!!). I plan to do this in a way that is easy to understand, and might even give helpful hints to people like me who are starting out for the very first time...

Love, Snails